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02 October 2013
Auction took place during Informa’s Monaco Yacht Show
01 October 2013
Informa completes the disposal of its five Corporate Training businesses
27 September 2013
Over a billion users will be buying physical goods and services via their mobile phones by 2016
25 September 2013
World’s longest-published newspaper will become a totally-digital publication by end of year.
17 September 2013
CCIA and Informa Exhibitions to launch Intermodal Asia 2014
16 September 2013
The Cross Media 2013 seminar programme, which will feature over 50 seminars in five dedicated theatres during the two-day event (23rd – 24th October, Business Design Centre, London), can be viewed at
12 September 2013
Informa Telecoms and Media event takes place October 22-24 in Amsterdam
10 September 2013
New: Hospital Build & Infrastructure Russia Exhibition & Congress
28 August 2013
Informa acquires Canada’s largest pop culture convention
21 August 2013
Watchmaking excellence takes to the road for Muscular Dystrophy charity