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04 August 2014
New top-tier telecoms, media & IT research firm
Informa, one of the world’s leading knowledge providers, has acquired US exhibitions and information Group, Virgo. The deal, which is subject to receipt of US anti-trust clearance, will provide
29 July 2014
2014 Strategy of Measured Change Delivers Robust Earnings Management Outlines Growth Acceleration Plan Key Highlights Financial • Higher organic growth: +1.9% to £569.6m revenue (H1 2013: £564.0m¹) •
25 July 2014
A workshop addressing ‘Intelligent Logistics through Partnering in the Supply Chain’ will be chaired by European freight forwarders association, CLECAT, and the European Shippers Council (ESC) at
10 July 2014
Strengthened Leadership & New Divisional Operating Model to Accelerate Growth
11 June 2014
11-13 November
23 May 2014
Informa Life Sciences Exhibitions, organisers of the annual Hospital Build & Infrastructure Middle East Awards, have revealed this year’s shortlisted nominees for the prestigious awards. The
19 May 2014
ExCel, London, 24-26 June
14 May 2014
Informa’s 2013 CR report has been published showing the growing strength of Informa’s sustainability programme. The programme, named by employees as “Louder than Words”, has 4 key priorities -
07 May 2014
RORO 2014 for the Roll-On/Roll-Off industry takes place in London, 24-26 June